The extended title of this post should really be "Sick and Tired of Resolutions? Here's How to Change the Game with a Clean Slate...and Quit Being Sick AND Tired, Literally!" But that's entirely too long...but too perfect not to share : ) So, it's slightly stereotypical for a lifestyle/ health coach to use this time of year to really hone in on the topic of self improvement, but because it's SUCH a buzz around the New Year, I can't help but chime in! I have had family, friends, clients, and social media followers come to me saying they’re doing the ______ diet. They either share because they want to know my thoughts, want to "school" me, they're having success, OR (and this is the most common) they want to vent and are discouraged with it. And while I think these “diets” are a great way to weed out some of the common inflammatory foods-- diets like Keto, Atkins, the Zone, Paleo, Whole 30, Bulletproof, etc. I urge you to do your own research. No, I don't mean via Google because you'll quickly get overwhelmed and realize a lot of these popular dietary theories contradict one another. I mean, do your research via trying it and checking in with your body! As a species, humans have unique bodies, lifestyles, genes—which makes individuals require different things! Some people might actually thrive on certain kinds of dairy, while others could experience a wide array of issues. The other important factor is to recognize your upbringing, the foods you were raised on, maybe the personal and emotional struggles you could be going through. Frequently, people want to simplify healthy eating by counting CARBS, SUGAR, FAT, and even SODIUM… unfortunately, these aren’t as simple as people want to make them. Not all forms of carbs, sugars, fats, and sodium are created equal. Learning that your body processes these things differently is HUGE. A half of a bagel has approx 24 grams of carbohydrates and 3 grams of sugar. A cup of sweet potato has 27 grams of carbs and 6 grams of sugar... so, if we were to follow the silly standard of counting the grams, one would assume the baked good consisting of yeast and processed flour is a better option, right? False. You have to consider the type and quality of the food you eat. The quality of it makes all of the difference on how your body metabolizes it and the overall impact it has on your body. I have no real issue with popular diets like Whole 30 because I think it has sparked something in some people which results in LONG TERM health…but that’s some a rare unicorn minority. With those diets, you see results after the 30 days, but my question is what is going to insure you keep up with it if you haven’t processed why you were eating imbalanced in the first place? OR why have you maybe tried losing weight but still feel bloated after some meals? So, this is where my services come in. Many people can follow a base of dietary guidelines, improve their body, and never look back, BUT I'm talking to the majority out there. It's taken me years of trial and error to figure out what foods support me and which ones that don't (some of them are even healthy foods) AND, the whammy, why I was totally addicted to forms of sugar and where my dependency rooted from. I would never be able to continue feeding myself supportive foods and stay on the straight and narrow for the past 5 years now unless I truly knew why I was tempted to indulge and dabble in behaviors that aren't supportive of me thriving and how I could change. This isn't exclusive to food, but ALL of your habits. This is why I came up with The Clean Slate Elimination Detox. It's a super simple, step-by-step guide to pinpointing potential food intolerances, allowing you to also learn about healthy foods you may have yet to explore, AND ways to practice self-care and other positive behaviors. While it does require discipline-- you will be eliminating the top 9 foods that people are commonly sensitive, allergic, or are intolerant to-- you will have the opportunity to slowly add these foods back into your diet to just SEE how you feel, before and after. While slimming down isn't necessarily the goal, it's usually a happy side effect! So, not only will you reap the typical benefits to eating clean for 38 days (feel lighter, brighter, clearer) you will also be empowered to fully pinpoint and eliminate the foods that aren't supportive of your unique body and may make you feel pregnant, sleepy, achy, or swollen after a meal. I do have to say, it IS possible to NEVER diet another day in your life! I never thought that would be possible in my world because I have always been a foodie. So, while this detox is a lovely time for self awareness, health, and insight, I am not saying you will be forever changed (just like the other diets I mentioned above) UNLESS you get to the bottom of it all. For more information on what I'm talking about click here to read a related post and here to watch a detailed video! Okay, onto the exciting part... Click here to find out what the Clean Slate Detox Program includes!
...or “unlucky” in love, money, LIFE. Also, sadly, sometimes people are taught that because God loves you so much, He puts you through situations where you suffer to learn life’s lessons. Don’t get me wrong— I am grateful that through my pain and unfavorable trials, I have been able to help people. It is so good to always look at the bright side of crap circumstances and piece together the positive from life lessons. With that said: no one is supposed to feel like their fate is to not be able to come up for air, be able to catch a break, never fall in love, or accumulate enough money to live without struggle.
How do you make the unconscious conscious? Meditation, visualization, and keeping it real by not playing the victim. Your subconscious holds most of your power (how you function, behavioral patterns, limiting beliefs) so, tap into your subconscious and snatch your power back! If this feels far from reach or is just plain confusing (easy to be unless you know a smidge about neuroscience), contact me for a complimentary 45-minute lifestye asssessment! |
November 2024