Working with my clients is by far one of my favorite things to do. To see these wonderful people get some relief from having the opportunity to sift through their thoughts for an hour every other week is truly such a gift for me. There have been a handful of occasions where it was obvious that I, too, would benefit from the very same attention. (I think everyone on the planet would benefit.) Usually, when I have a problem, I will walk through the steps in my head when I'm trying to resolve something inside of me. I also have a few wonderful women online whose podcasts and articles I seek out, but, sometimes, a quality conversation is the best medicine in the world!
During my recent birthday trip to Los Angeles, while it was truly wonderful, I was having a slightly stressful time. It was a pretty jam packed four days. I drank a little when it's growing clear to me that I shouldn't...which will come later in another blog post, I was visiting an old friend whose vibe I was having a hard time gauging; sometimes, I can't tell if what I'm feeling is actually me or the other person...that's why communication and feedback is EVERYTHING to me. Otherwise, I tend to shut down a little because I get caught up in "analysis paralysis". Another chunk of stress was weighing out the pros and cons of potentially moving back to LA. On the actual evening of my birthday, my friend and I had experienced a series of unfortunate events, leading to a really late dinner.* While we were getting ready, she asked me what I wanted to manifest-- what celebrity I would want to see or if I wanted a group of gorgeous men to show up. (She knows me quite well and realizes how I do this on the regular to get myself excited.) I thought about it and said that I wanted to run into someone who would totally lock in to me...tell me I'm wonderful and beautiful, and totally hone in on me all night. I said this all laughing, but who wouldn't want some quality, unwavering attention? Hysterically honest, I know. But if you've read any of these blog posts, I clearly put honesty before ego for the sake of an authentic story! We got to dinner. It was a rocky start, but then a familiar face walked in, Cuba Gooding Jr., (I always enjoy seeing the stars, but wasn't exactly star struck). Only, there was something different about the night and him. I got up from my seat to visit the ladies room to powder my nose and decided: I had no control over the unfavorable circumstances that had led up to that evening, but I did have control over putting myself out there to upgrade my night. (Mr. Gooding had said a few nice things to me from across the bar, so I also figured the odds were in my favor that he wouldn't have anyone escort me away or, I wasn't being crazy/brave.) Well, long story short, he ended up making my birthday evening. He bought me a drink, walked me to the patio right on the ocean, gave me his jacket, and gave me some amazing life lessons. One of which was a reason why I wanted to go to LA in the first place. I wanted to shed this internal hesitation I had somehow adopted. Almost an internal dilemma about putting myself out there: posting cooking tutorials, dating, speaking my truth, etc. I know my value and I have a deep-rooted knowledge of who I am and, more recently, acquired the very purpose of why I'm supposed to be on this Earth. So, why the hesitation? Cuba saw that in me. He honed in on me and for about three hours devoted all of his time in rectifying something inside me that needed a little TLC. (He's also an empath, if anyone was wondering.) He actually referred to me as a beautiful bird. I was strong and unwavering on the inside, but it couldn't be detected from the outside because I appeared to be frail. He asked me (paraphrasing, of course) to think of something that I did on a daily basis. Something that I was good at. I said cooking. He asked what was something that I could cook, without really even thinking about it. I said eggs. He said, "okay, so, if I told you if you could cook some eggs to the best of your ability, I would give you one million dollars, what would you be thinking about?" I quickly replied, knowing it was probably the wrong answer, "I would be thinking about the million dollars!" and he said "Wrong. You would think about taking one step at a time to that fridge to get those eggs. Now, once you held those eggs in your hands, what would you be thinking about?" Answering truthfully, I said, "still, the million dollars!" He said, "Wrong. You would just need to do your thing. Make those eggs like you would normally make them and forget about the million dollars." This conversation was quite a bit longer, but it really opened up the skies for me. Instead of fixing my mind on the outcome, I needed to intuitively act, without hesitation. This was all very serendipitous in more ways than one because on the airplane, I began reading a book called "The Power of Serendipity: The Simple Ways to Get Anything You Want..that no one talks about", by Joshua Rosenthal. The book also talks about how "the key to getting where you want to go is not waiting too long to take action". There's thinking of an idea or feeling an urge and, then, there's taking action. Anything in between is where you can get into trouble. The lesson in all of this is to take one natural step at a time. It's difficult to be a details person, but also a big picture person. You can waste time getting stuck on the details, but you can also lose time getting overwhelmed when considering the big picture. This is why I always tell my clients to not get too crazy with their to-do lists, plan each day at a time, but still keep your big picture in the back of your head, only using it as a reference to make sure that your actions contribute to your big picture ideals. My mom frequently tells me that I need to practice "shoot, aim-- not aim, shoot" because I will miss the plate if I focus too long on aiming just right. So, I came to some serious conclusions on this trip that I am going to take a leap of faith. I am not going to over analyze it or prematurely plan, I am going to focus on what I can do right now: the things that I know are genuine to my God-given nature and just put one foot in front of the other. By getting in this authentic rhythm, without thinking of the risks, judgments, and varied outcomes, I will inherit that "million dollars" in the form of a life pass-- to just do what feels natural and true, without hesitation. Apparently, this is a lesson I was supposed to REALLY learn because if you read one of my previous blog posts, this is the exact epiphany I came across...which lets me know that I am on to something big-- a new, exciting chapter! Have you ever experienced synchronicity or serendipity? Please share below! *I want to underline that my birthday was phenomenal and these undisclosed events were/are pretty comical because most of them were beyond our control-- so we did a superb job just rolling with the flow. Sometimes, you need these things in order to gain much-needed perspective on life and people!
November 2024