First of all, THANK YOU so much to those of you who were able to come to my may your skin be Merry and Bright workshop! It was a fun little social hour, complete with a menu carefully selected to promote happy skin: quinoa salad, veggies + grass-fed yogurt dip, dark chocolate chip oatmeal cookies (gluten-free and refined sugar free), red wine spritzer, and rose water + collagen beauty shots! Not to mention the fabulous door-prizes from Slate Tulsa, Recover Therapy, Lymph Candy, Beautycounter, and Natural Grocers.
I also did a little educational presentation about how to support your body to promote healthy, radiant skin! (If you missed this informative talk, I will be hosting another in the near future-- so, stay tuned!) One of the things I was the most excited about was debuting my first GROUP PROGRAM: Project Radiance! I can't tell you how often I hear beautiful, intelligent, and loving women say they're lacking support, accountability, and understanding from like-minded women. Because this isn't foreign to me and my personal life, I've felt led to create a group program that not only promotes empowerment, it also endorses women kicking ass and being the BEST versions of themselves that they can be! With the weight of life, work, below par relationships, and media, it sometimes feels like an uphill climb to achieve all that we're capable of. I also think sometimes females get a bad taste in their mouth being around other females because there's this notion that if you're both competitive and tenacious, instead of coming together and only enhancing your superpowers, you feel like you should dart in the opposite direction because they're perceived as a threat! BUT I think it is time to throw that mentality in the trash and come together for a lot of support, positive vibes, FUN, and encouragement! Read for the exciting details below! ....remember: only 10 slots available (actually, only 8 now--so sign up ASAP to reserve your spot!)
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For those of you who missed my Clean Thanksgiving cooking demo at Natural Grocers, you haven't totally missed out! I am sharing my entire menu for this special holiday. I usually try a new recipe each year for kicks, but because we're having such a small gathering, I am sticking with the basics! Not only do I think Thanksgiving is a wonderful opportunity to share love with your family by cooking them a lovely meal, I also think it's an equally fabulous opportunity to think about what you are grateful for...or what you should start being grateful for. Read more to see the recipes for all of my holiday menu items! Also, take a look at this scary article to see what you're REALLY missing by eating a clean Thanksgiving! Hint: it's not flavor.
I recently took a trip to Whole Foods because I was in a jam and needed cookies to celebrate my dad's birthday! Well, I was super dissapointed to see that there were zero options for people who are mindful of gluten AND sugar content! Most of the baked goods had so many unnecessary ingredients and poor quality to top it off! SO, not only did this inspire me to offer my clean cookies again, but, also my lovely clients and others who have vocalized their request for my healthy options! SO, here's your chance. I'm happy to oblige! PS. a NEW added option for bonus protein and skin benefits is now available... I am now offering Bulletproof Collagen Protein Powder for an addit. $3! When most of us think of "authentic" Thanksgiving, we think of a large feast provided by loved ones....and a special thanks to Mrs. Smith, Libby, Stouffer, Pillsbury, Stovetop, Jiffy...etc, etc. This was MY "authentic" Thanksgiving tradition during my teen and young adult years-- although, we did also cater some from Furr's Cafeteria. If you're on this blog then you probably already know by now that almost 4 years ago, I had to drastically change my way of life. At first, it started with the foods I ate, but it quickly evolved into something much greater. I truly believe when you start to honor yourself in such a loving way, via real nourishment, you become much more aware of other areas of your life where you can continue with a FULL life detox (behaviors, friends, etc). Since beginning this new and improved way of living, I have learned that leading by example is the best form of persuasion. Luckily, I have a supportive family and I have been overjoyed to see the ripple effect in action. When it came to my first Thanksgiving eating clean, I was extremely apprehensive. Not only was I eating clean, but I was on stage 1 of the Body Ecology Diet (which is FAR more exclusive than just eating clean). Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday because I have been a foodie since birth. I assumed that swapping my "tradition" for these different recipes would taint MY holiday. Well, not only was I pleasantly surprised at the outcome of our first CLEAN Thanksgiving spread, but so was my family! It also got me thinking. Thanksgiving is all about gratitude and tradition. If you were to really think about this holiday's origins, you would come to realize that these people joining together weren't breaking bread made from a box with GMO wheat and harmful nonsense. They were eating food made from pure, clean ingredients! This not only adds value to the quality of the food for obvious reasons, but I believe that that labor of love truly enhances the food. SO, JOIN ME to learn how to kick it old-school with some delicious samples and recipes-- so that you can share a NEW, more authentic Thanksgiving tradition with your family...and when you go around the table and give thanks for your health, you can truly feel like you gifted your family with food that will go to the healing and nourishment of their bodies. Update: I had previously posted that we would be going on a bike ride through downtown, but I just realized Tulsa Tough will be going on- which means, the roads will be blocked off! So, instead of a bike ride, we will be meeting at Turkey Mountain June 11th at 10 AM for a nice nature hike! Once you submit your RSVP, I will e-mail you with additional information. (We can push back the bike ride for July...and just a heads up, we will be celebrating "Third Saturday" on the 16th because I will be in LA for my birthday on the second Saturday!) We will be leaving at 10:05 and will be back by 11:00, at the latest. Also, there should be zero intimidation factor for any of these events-- whether we walk, hike, or bike, everyone will match each other's pace! I hope to see you there! Hi, all! Because getting out and about with lovely people is just so healing, I thought a standing date, to do just that, would be fun! For the first meet up, I thought we could ease into it by taking a stroll through some of Tulsa's prettiest historical neighborhoods in midtown. We can meet at the Woodward Park parking lot and leave from there. Moving forward with this event, I hope to switch it up and partake in different activities including: hike Turkey Mountain, visit local "friendly" farms, shop the farmer's market, breathing exercises in the park, outdoor yoga, etc! If you can't make this month's event, but are interested in future outings, submit the form below and I will be sure to send you future invites! When I decided to start eating clean, I never realized the domino effect that would take place. Once you being eliminating nonsense from your diet, your body begins slowly cleansing itself from built up toxins. The first time I really noticed a difference, other than the immediate gift of amplified energy and not having to diet anymore, I kid you not, was when I went for a run along the river. I was honestly amazed. The colors where SO much brighter than was a mind-blowing distraction during my entire run because I kept wondering, "what in the world is going on?"! Then, I finally traced it to my lifestyle change. I think it had to do with multiple factors. One, it was a little bit of a meta-physical outcome-- a change of perspective and a brighter outlook. Two, by eliminating chemicals and faux food from my diet, my senses were amplified and I sort of became superhuman and capable of seeing in technicolor! Some of the other things I experienced: balanced mood, reduced stress and anxiety, clearer skin, no more brain fog, memories, ideas, and words were much more accessible, and no more 4:00 slump! Sadly, this is how all humans should function, but most of America is cheating itself because we've slowly began feeding our bodies "matter" that contains more engineered ingredients than real food. (This is actually what has gotten many companies to legally not be able to call their chicken "chicken", beef "beef", and cheese "cheese"...I'm talking to you KFC, Taco Bell, and Kraft!) Eating is a means to nourish and replenish your body with supplementation. Pure and simple. I used to think that by eating "healthy", I would have to eat lettuce and string beans...void of any lovely flavor or enjoyment. Or, if I wanted to lose weight, I would be "healthy" by eating 100 Calorie Packs, Lean Cuisines, and Subway. Now, I just call that eating "skinny". There is nothing really healthy about it. I learned that the hard way. I began deteriorating a little over three years ago. From the outside, I'm sure I seemed fine. I worked really hard to keep a trim figure and stayed VERY active at the gym. But, I started feeling all sorts of unfavorable symptoms across the board. These symptoms became so debilitating that I no longer felt like myself and I was so desperate that I gave up all of the foods I I thought. After an interesting and eye-opening few years, I learned A LOT. I learned that these "frankenfoods", sugar, and processed carbs had caused my body to have system-wide inflammation, which caused me to accumulate an auto-immune disorder. That's why my body started to malfunction. My life was forever changed. The most exciting thing of all is that I realized, in order to get and stay slim, you can eat PILES of delicious and flavorful food! You don't even have to stray far from what you're used to. Eat steak, butter, muffins, pasta, cookies, casseroles, and, even, gummy bears! BUT and this is a HUGE but, you have to pay attention to the quality and the ingredients. Where food is sourced, what it was raised on, what it is treated with, etc. ALL plays a massive role in either contributing to your health in a positive or negative way! Your body metabolizes one hamburger completely different from another. One could actually contribute to your health and one could contribute to your early demise. So, what exactly is "eating clean"? Eating clean, to me, is eating food in its purest form, free from anything man made in a lab. Some of the words not associated with clean eating are GMOs, heavy pesticides, processed, refined, hydrogenated, high fructose...I could go on and on. Also, keeping in mind, if you can't understand what's on the label, your body isn't going to understand it either. If someone had to create a name you can't pronounce for it, it's probably not real food. Another tip: if the item you're buying is something as pure as coconut milk and there are four ingredients on the label, that's unnecessary. Just keep it simple. Please note: I am not suggesting you throw out your pantry or never eat fast-food again, but I am going to challenge you to start reading food labels. NOT the calories or fat, but the actual ingredients! The only thing I do suggest gazing at is the sugar content, which will eventually be in a blog post of its own. I realize, this may be a heavy post because it is challenging you to consider switching things up a bit so, I'm offering Tulsans a little loving treat! Sign up below to take a complimentary grocery store tour. January 16th at 9 AM. (I will email you with more details.) If you don't live in the Tulsa area but would like some pointers, contact me for some free resources! |
November 2024