Up until you CAN do something, you can't. Success and failure aren't at two separate crossroads- they're both on your path to growth and becoming more than you were in the moments before your current reality. ✌🏼️ Inspired by the amazing "Manifest Success" lecture by Catherine Collautt
For those of you who had to miss my cooking demo at Natural Grocers recently, here are the recipes I went over and a fun article about the mood-boosting benefits of cashews. For all of these recipes, minus Parmesan Cheese, you need to soak the raw cashews first. Not only does soaking insure a creamier texture, all nuts (and seeds and grains) are usually difficult for most people to digest because of an enzyme-inhibiting substance in them called phytic acid. ("Enzyme inhibitors" = enzymes secreted during digestion can't do their job because they can't properly break down the food.) Phytic acid actually impairs your body's ability to absorb certain vitamins/ minerals so, by soaking them, you are able to reduce that effect and reap more of the health benefits of nuts because your body is able to assimilate the nutrients better. To soak them, simply cover them with purified water in a glass or stainless steel container overnight for 8-12 hours. You can then drain and refrigerate them, but you need to utilize them within approx 48 hours to avoid mold. If you don't utilize all of your soaked nuts or would like to consume dried nuts in a healthier way, dehydrate them in the oven set on low for 8-10 hours, Nacho Cheese - 1 cup, soaked, raw cashews (soaked in water for 4-6 hours, or overnight, and drained) - 1/4 cup, chopped red bell pepper - 2 tablespoons, extra virgin olive oil (organic is best) - 2 tablespoons, water - 1 1/2 tablespoons, lemon juice - 1/2 teaspoon, sea salt or pink salt - 1/2 teaspoon, turmeric powder - 1 teaspoon, onion powder Add cashews, chopped bell pepper, water, lemon juice, and olive oil to food processor. Blend on high until all ingredients are fully blended. Then, add seasoning and blend until mixture reaches a smooth and creamy consistency. You can store in an airtight container for up to 7 days! (One of my favorite ways to enjoy this, shown in the pic above, is using it to top off my "Mexican Spaghetti" - black bean noodles, sauteed veggies, and taco seasoned grass-fed ground beef. Or, more simple & vegan option, using it in a black bean, pico de gallo, fajita veggie layered dip.) Sour Cream - 1 1/2 cups, soaked raw cashews (soaked in water for 4-6 hours, or overnight, and drained) - 1/2 teaspoon, sea salt or pink salt - 2-2 1/2 teaspoons, lemon juice - 3/4 cup, water Add all ingredients to food processor and blend until smooth and creamy. (This recipe is great because it has all sort of potential! One of my favorites: add green chilies, tomato, lime juice, and/or cilantro for a delicious enchilada sauce or to top off a taco salad. Another option is to omit the salt in the recipe and create your own creamy dessert. One option: add berries, vanilla, and stevia for a sweet, mood-boosting treat.) Parmesan Cheese - 1/3 cup, raw, dry cashews - 1/4 teaspoon, mustard powder - 1/4 teaspoon, sea salt or pink salt - 1/4 teaspoon, fennel seeds Finely blend all ingredients until mixture reaches a parmesan cheese texture. This one is best blended in a coffee grinder or something that can powder the fennel seed. Store in an airtight container for up to a month. Key Lime Cream - 1 cup, soaked raw cashews (same as other soaked recipes above) - 3/4 cup, organic unsweetened coconut milk, shaken. (I prefer the full-fat version vs. reduced-fat because it reaches a thicker consistency and it's a good fat!) - 1/4 cup, melted coconut oil (organic extra-virgin, raw is best!) - 3-4 limes, 3 is okay if they're large. - 1/2 cup, xylitol, powdered. Simply put granulated xylitol in a blender/ coffee grinder/ or small food processor and pulse until it reaches a "powder" consistency. First, roll limes around counter to help release juice. Then, grate 2-3 limes for zest before juicing. Juice the limes and set aside. Add all ingredients to food processor and blend until smooth and creamy. Pour/scoop mixture into a muffin tin, lined with baking cups. Top with lime zest. Freeze for 2-4 hours. Remove for 10 minutes to thaw before serving. Store for up to 2 weeks. If you try one of these recipes, please post in the comments section! Want to be in-the-know about my latest cooking demo schedule and complimentary grocery tours? Sign up for my newsletter below! Valentine's Day is around the corner so, I thought this form of self-care would be appropriate. Although, we should be doing this on the regular! Getting and giving hugs and affection.
Did you know that lack of physical affection can actually kill babies? If babies aren't touched, rocked, and loved on enough, they don't grow or develop at a natural, healthy rate-- increasing their chances of illness, disabilities, and mortality. So, why this grim information? Development doesn't end at infancy or, even, the age that we reach our max height. We continuously keep developing, therefore, this touchy-feely business pertains to ALL stages of life. As humans living in this kind of society, most of us are touch-deprived. This particular article is specific to caring for elderly, but I think the information and techniques are actually very useful to apply to your everyday interactions with anyone. Whether we live in a household full of people, a dorm room of one, or a condo of two, it really makes no difference...you might be one of the majority who is lacking touch. The good news: giving affection is just as useful to you as getting it. It's definitely one of those two-way streets where whoever is on the receiving end makes no difference-- you're still getting affection...and what's even better, potentially supplying someone's life-altering deficiency. What do you do if you're a single person living in a city of strangers? Various spa treatments like massages, facials, scalp treatments, and delux mani/ pedis are great options. On a tight budget? Giving yourself regular hot towel scrubs is an awesome way to reap the benefits of touch. Intimacy comes in all shapes and forms. Getting a little lovin' from a spouse, partner, grandparent, masseuse, or yourself is all good! Lastly, sorry, but I HAVE to add this-- There are some (mostly in my generation) who assume that sex is the primary solution for alleviating the urge for affection. Sadly, this could very well be someone with their wires crossed. Sometimes, those people seeking/ craving "passion" from randoms only continue this unhealthy cycle because they can't seem to feel fulfilled; when, really, you might just need a prescription of giving/getting 3 hugs a day! Poof, the craving dissipates! The same goes for foods. Most of the time, when we think we need sugar, we really need to unwind or indulge in a life activity. When you crave intimacy (or chocolate excessively), try having a deep conversation or get a massage (preferably from someone you care about)-- get creative! So, TRY IT! This week, try hugging your loved ones. Spend time with a friend frequently and you don't greet with a hug?...boost the quality of your relationship and HUG them! xOxO! |
November 2024